Becoming a Freemason can be one of the most significant events of your life. From the moment you become a Brother, you will feel immediate acceptance and Brotherly love.
So where do you begin?
Membership in a Masonic Lodge is open to all men 18 years of age or older — regardless of race, color, or religion.
Start the process by completing a petition (application) for membership, which you can obtain from the Lodge Secretary, or get from a Mason you know.
If you don’t know a Mason, just stop by our Lodge building around 6:00 p.m. on either the 1st or 4th Tuesday of the month, and we will be happy to introduce you whoever is there and get you started with your petition.
The next step is to submit your petition to the Lodge. The petition is read in a Lodge meeting and referred to a committee (usually composed of three members.) This committee then interviews you, sometimes at home, or in the local coffee shop. This is your chance to ask as many questions as you can think of about Freemasonry and the fraternity. In turn the brothers will get to know you a bit and learn about your background.
After the interview, the committee reports its findings to the Lodge, and a secret ballot is taken. If the vote is favorable, you’ll be notified by a call from one of our officers and you’ll be given a date to start the degree program.
For More Information, please visit
or stop by for dinner before one of our meetings.
We look forward to meeting you.